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Center for Sports Science In Seoul

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Center for Sports Science In Seoul

Advancing sports through innovation and wellness. The Seoul Sports Science Center, equipped with the country's best physical fitness assessment tools, specialized
sports science researchers, and a comprehensive athlete support system, serves as a hub for nurturing global sports
talent. The center conducts scientific fitness evaluations for students and general athletes, providing personalized
training programs and sports psychology support tailored to each athlete's needs.

Program Objectives


Fitness Assessment
and Exercise
Prescription for Elite Athletes


Sports Science
Classroom Operation


Tailored Support Based on


Support Program

Provides fitness assessments and
exercise prescriptions for elite athletes.

스포츠과학센터 01 엘리트 선수들에게.webp

The Seoul Sports Science Center, equipped with the country's best physical fitness assessment tools, specialized sports science researchers, and a comprehensive athlete support system, serves as a hub for nurturing global sports talent. The center conducts scientific fitness evaluations for students and general athletes, providing personalized training programs and sports psychology support tailored to each athlete's needs.

Operates sports science classes
for athletes, coaches,
and parents.


Offers training based on field-specific
needs, including psychological counseling,
nutrition information, training, conditioning,
and taping. Additionally, provides
education to enhance coaching skills and
effectively utilize scientific training
management techniques.

Provides personalized field
support and close assistance
tailored to each sport.


Supports performance enhancement
through game skill analysis using video
analysis by sport, cardiovascular
endurance programs based on heart rate
monitoring, gait and movement pattern
analysis using electromyography and
plantar pressure measurement, and
psychological skills training and

Provides fitness assessments and
exercise prescriptions for elite athletes.


The Seoul Sports Science Center, equipped with the country's best physical fitness assessment tools, specialized sports science researchers, and a comprehensive athlete support system, serves as a hub for nurturing global sports talent. The center conducts scientific fitness evaluations for students and general athletes, providing personalized training programs and sports psychology support tailored to each athlete's needs.

Provides fitness assessments and
exercise prescriptions for elite athletes.


Offers training based on field-specific
needs, including psychological counseling,
nutrition information, training, conditioning,
and taping. Additionally, provides
education to enhance coaching skills and
effectively utilize scientific training
management techniques.

Provides fitness assessments and
exercise prescriptions for elite athletes.


Supports performance enhancement
through game skill analysis using video
analysis by sport, cardiovascular
endurance programs based on heart rate
monitoring, gait and movement pattern
analysis using electromyography and
plantar pressure measurement, and
psychological skills training and

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